FDE begins 2-week training for newly appointed teachers

APP14-130623 ISLAMABAD: June 13 – Federal Minister for Education Professional Training Rana Tanveer Hussain addressing during the launching ceremony of 1st Pre-Service Teachers Training Program for Federal Directorate of Education at Federal Collage of Education H-9. APP/SMR/MAF/FHA

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: A two-week Induction training for the newly appointed teachers has been organized by the Federal Directorate of Education at Federal College of Education H-9 Islamabad under the umbrella of the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
The Federal Minister for Education Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain graced the inaugural ceremony as Chief Guest. The Director General Federal Directorate of Education Dr. Ikram Malik, Deputy Director General FDE Ali Ahmad Kharal and Faculty of FCE participated in this prestigious occasion.
Dr. Ikram Malik congratulated the newly teachers on their appointment in FDE schools and colleges.
On the occasion, D.G FDE said that fair and transparent procedure was implemented during the whole process of their selection. He stressed upon improving their practice, learn their job responsibilities which would ultimately positively affect students learning. Dr Ikram Malik also threw light on the rational, objectives and methodology of the training.
He said that extensive training has been planned for 1000 teachers would continue upto August 2023. He also emphasized on punctuality, dedication and above all honesty with the job. The Federal Minister for Education M.r Rana Tanveer Hussain also congratulated the new teachers on their appointment as SSTs. Addressing the teachers, he said that they were fortunate enough to have the opportunity of attending this Professional Development Training.
He assured D.G, FDE of full support to improve the quality of education.
He advised the teachers to equip themselves with modern techniques, strategies and methodology in the larger interest of the country.
The Federal Minister expressed his keen interest to make the Federal College of Education a state of Art Teacher Training Centre. At the end, the Principal FCE Muhammad Ihsan ul haq thanked the chief guest on behalf of students and faculty members.