Lawmakers draw up plan for key topics

BEIJING: Thirty-five legislative items, including on national security, financial stability and livelihood, are scheduled to be reviewed this year to promote high-quality development in the new era, according to China’s top legislature.
The items have been listed in the 2023 legislation plan that was disclosed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislative body, on its website recently. Of the total, three items have already been accomplished. In March, the NPC adopted an amendment to the Legislation Law, and in April the NPC Standing Committee passed a law on ecological conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and a revision to the Counter-Espionage Law. In the following months, the NPC Standing Committee will review multiple draft laws concerning the economy, such as those on value-added tax, tariffs and financial stability, with deliberation on a draft amendment to the Corporation Law, to help build a high-level socialist market economic system, according to the plan.
It revealed that legislators will advance high-quality growth in livelihood and security fields, preparing to amend a law on the popularization of science and technology, and to formulate laws on preschool education, academic degrees, atomic energy and food security.
“The legislation plan was made after soliciting opinions. It aims to improve a legal system that can strengthen State governance, meet the public’s ever-growing demand for a better life and safeguard national security,” Legal Daily quoted Yang Heqing, an official from the NPC Standing Committee’s Legislative Affairs Commission, as saying.
Highlighting the importance of implementing the Constitution and upholding the whole-process people’s democracy approach in legislation, Yang told the paper that the plan focuses on legislative affairs in major, emerging and foreign-related areas. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item