Govt. presents optimized budget to tackle economic challenges

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Rana Tanveer Hussain, expressed his satisfaction with the recently unveiled budget, considering it the best possible outcome given the prevailing tough economic conditions.
During his budget speech in National Assembly, he said that huge damage was inflicted on the economy during the tenure of the PTI government. He revealed that even PTI members themselves had expressed concerns about the struggling economy in their tenure and sought its revival.
The minister said the situation was even more challenging than initially anticipated, as revealed during the initial briefing to us in 2021 on the state of the economy.
Reflecting on the efforts of the PML-N government from 2013 to 2018, he highlighted their successful endeavors to overcome various challenges, particularly in the energy and power sectors.
Furthermore, he criticized the circumstances that led to Nawaz Sharif’s removal from Prime Minister’s office, citing the controversial Aqama case and the subsequent formation of a Joint Investigation Team (JIT).
He recalled that during Nawaz Sharif’s last tenure as Prime Minister, foreign reserves stood at around 22-23 billion US dollars, inflation was approximately two percent, and the exchange rate was Rs. 105 per dollar. He said that PML-N government utilized foreign loans with responsibility and invested in infrastructure and other projects such as ports, motorways, and metro systems, ultimately leading to a prosperous Pakistan. –Agencies