People-centered approach key to China’s strides

BEIJING: The Communist Party of China leadership has played a central role in modernization for the common good and in shaping policies based on China’s people-centered human rights philosophy.
The Party’s leadership provides the framework and direction for drawing toward “people-centrism”, which aligns with its vision of social harmony and collective prosperity, ensuring the well-being and welfare of its citizens. Chinese have made enormous advances in the broadening of human rights around the globe. Today’s Chinese governance has connected all Chinese citizens to the rest of the world.
Since its founding in 1921, the CPC has effectively focused on a path of its own for the advancement of human values. It is a path that is in line with the times as well as suitable for China’s reality. The Party has continuously improved its efforts to better protect and respect the fundamental values, equality and rights of the Chinese people.
The CPC upholds the principle of people-centered development and places a high value on the rights of people to survival and development, with the aim of socioeconomic growth to improve quality of life.
Unlike some developed countries, China as a developing country has long struggled with basic livelihood issue for its huge population. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item