Overcharging on Eid will not be tolerated: ICCPO

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital Police have decided to accelerate action against those public service and passenger vehicles involved in overloading and overcharging from passengers on Eid-ul-Adha.
Following the directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, special squads have been constituted by Chief Traffic Officer Islamabad Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanveer who would be deputed at bus and wagon stands. These squads will take action against those involved in overloading and overcharging fare or misbehaving with passengers.
Special points have also been erected at various roads of the city to check and take action against passenger vehicles involved in overloading and overcharging. All Zonal DSPs have also been directed to keep observing the situation and ensure action against drivers and conductors of such vehicles.
Heavy fines would be imposed on the vehicles guilty of overloading. Moreover, in case of overcharging, the extra fare collected would be also returned to the passengers.
Chief Traffic Officer Islamabad said that all possible steps were being taken to ensure uninterrupted flow of traffic in Islamabad and the passengers could call the helpline Pucar 15 in case of any complaint. He said that the convenience of citizens is our top priority and it would be ensured at all costs.