Party continues proud tradition of hard work

BEIJING: As the Communist Party of China celebrates on Saturday the 102nd anniversary of its founding, descendants of revolutionaries nationwide are hard at work serving the nation and its people.
Many of the descendants are CPC members, and they have benefited from advice and instructions passed on by their families.
Jinzhai county, Anhui province, is one of the birthplaces of the people’s armed forces and the Chinese revolution. Officials at the Jinzhai Revolution Museum said that about one-third of the county’s 300,000 residents took part in battles, with many of them dying during conflict. On April 24, 2016, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, visited the museum and a memorial hall for the Red Army. He laid a wreath at a monument commemorating those who fell during the revolution. The museum’s list of revolutionary martyrs bears 206 names of the local Qi family, while the names of others who sacrificed their lives have been lost.
During this year’s Dragon Boat Festival, which fell on June 22, Qi Xiaohu and other members of the Qi clan discussed renovating the family temple in Qidian village, Jinzhai, a main settlement area for the family. The festival commemorates Qu Yuan (340 BC-278 BC), a patriotic poet from the Chu state during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). It is also a time for the Qi family to honor its revolutionary and patriotic ancestors. The Dabie Mountains Revolutionary Base, located on the borders of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, was one of the most important in the CPC’s history. Jinzhai formed a key part of the base.
After graduating, Qi Xiaohu, 32, worked in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, from 2013 to 2020, before returning to Qidian, as his home village needed more cadres. He joined the CPC in 2021 and became deputy secretary of the village’s Party branch in February.
“My great grandfather, Qi Xianzhi, was born to a wealthy family which managed iron plants, hospitals and shops in its hometown and in Wuhan, Hubei province,” said Qi Xiaohu, who learned the family’s history from his ancestors. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item