Tajik Defence Minister meets Khawaja Asif

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Tajikistan Defence Minister, Sherali Mirzo along a delegation called on Defence Minister, Khawaja Muhammad Asif and discussed bilateral defence cooperation the other day. Khawaja Muhammad Asif expressed best wishes for the military and civil leadership of Tajikistan, and its people.
The minister highlighted that being neighbours of Afghanistan, both Pakistan and Tajikistan were facing similar security challenges and threats.
Pakistan believed in peaceful resolution of all issues and appreciates the efforts of Tajikistan in promoting peace and stability in the region, he added.
The minister highlighted that CPEC would further provide new and unique opportunities for enhancing connectivity and integration from Gwadar to Kashgar and Murghab in Tajikistan.
Khawaja Asif said that Pakistan would continue to provide assistance in intelligence capacity building and sharing of technical expertise with Tajik Armed forces. Tajik Defence Minister assured his government’s commitment and pledged to work with Pakistan to strengthen bilateral ties.