Qureshi appeals for permanent solution to socio-economic woes

ISLAMABAD: Expressing happiness with the IMF package that eliminated fear of imminent default, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said a permanent solution to the problem should be found.
Speaking to the media here on Tuesday, he said the agreement was for nine months. “It is not a permanent solution, the question persists; what will happen after nine months,” Qureshi asked. He said “we must learn from the past. Agreements were made in the past as well, which could not be completed.”
The PTI leader said that he was appearing before courts and wanted to proceed in a political, legal and peaceful way. The PTI vice chairman said that every political party makes a plan of action.
The party chairman is also appearing before courts. We are facing cases in accordance with the law.
Regarding desecration of the Holy Quran, he said there was anxiety in the Islamic world over the Sweden incident. “There is no justification for hurting the feelings of more than a billion Muslims,” he continued.
Qureshi said the Islamophobia was raised when the PTI was in the government. “We also raised our voice on the forum of United Nations and March 15 was designated as International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”
The PTI vice chief said only a resolution to condemn the desecration of the Holy Quran was not enough.
“We have to consult the international law on the issue,” he stated. He said he favoured freedom of expression, but there should be limits and restrictions. The freedom of expression does not endanger someone’s life.  –Agencies