Senior musicians lure crowds in Harbin

HARBIN: Against the backdrop of bustling traffic and intermittent honking, a group of seniors, each clutching their respective instruments, mesmerized onlookers with passionate melodies.
Amid pleasantly cool temperatures and delightful acoustics beneath an overpass, the amateur orchestra has transformed an area the size of half a basketball court into a “concert hall” in the city of Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province.
Established in 2009, the band has grown from just three members to more than 40, with ages ranging from 50 to over 80.
According to Wang Hui, the band’s conductor, a majority of the members are retirees who have joined with a rudimentary knowledge of music that they acquired through self-learning.
“The audience yearns for this type of spiritual and cultural experience, while the performers themselves derive spiritual enjoyment from delivering it,” she said.
During the performance, hostess Liu Lihua often thanks the enthusiastic audience for their appreciation and gifts. Some people even come from more than 10 kilometers away to watch their performances.
“Many people provide us with water and other supplies, and they support us immensely,” said Liu. “Over the years, we feel a responsibility toward the audience.” The band performs three times a week from May to October every year and does rehearsals in winter. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item