Foundation stone laid for Women Police Station

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: In a momentous ceremony, Federal Minister of Interior, Rana Sanaullah, laid the foundation stone for the new building of the Islamabad Capital Police Women Police Station.

The event, attended by senior police officers and a significant presence of female police personnel, recognized their dedication and unwavering commitment to maintaining peace and security in Islamabad.

The Minister applauded their professionalism in handling challenging situations and emphasized the importance of the police department as a role model for the city.

The auspicious ceremony was held regarding the foundation stone laying of the new building of Islamabad Capital Police Women Police Station. Federal

Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, senior police officers, and female police personnel were present in large numbers. The Minister of Interior thanked all the police officers for their dedication and hard work in maintaining peace and security in Islamabad. He expressed his gratitude to the officers for working diligently under the leadership of ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan. Despite facing various challenges, including extremely critical situations, Islamabad Police always tackled every situation professionally.

According to details, an event was organized to mark the foundation stone laying of the new building of Islamabad Capital Police Women Police Station. A smartly turned out contingent of Islamabad police presented guard of honor to Minister of Interior, Rana Sanaullah on his arrival. On this occasion, Islamabad Capital City Police Officer, Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, along with senior officers and female police personnel of Islamabad Capital Police, were present in large numbers.

The Federal Minister laid the foundation stone of the new building of the Women Police Station. While addressing the ceremony, Federal Minister of Interior, Rana Sanaullah, said that Islamabad is the introduction of Pakistan and this city and its institutions should be role models.

He said our government has worked extensively to make this city a role model. He stated that every institution in this role model city should be exemplary, but the police should be the biggest role model because the police department is the most visible department.

They have to deal with the grievances of every citizen. People come and go, and they observe the police. The more discipline there is in the police, the better their situation will be, and the more peace and tranquility they will bring to their duties.

This will enhance Pakistan’s image in the world. In this regard, he said I have personally made efforts for the police. After taking responsibility as Islamabad police chief, Dr. Akbar Naseer Khan presented his demands, which were fulfilled on priority basis. The biggest demand was to bring the salaries of Islamabad Police at par with the salaries of police in other provinces, and it has been fulfilled. Similarly, an amount of 1.24 billion rupees was allocated for the families of martyrs, which we immediately released as it was of great significance to them.
The minister said We have increased the salaries of Islamabad Capital Police and brought them at par with the salaries of other provinces’ police.

Other allowances have also been approved, which will be included in your next salary.
Similarly, Islamabad Capital Police had been facing a shortage of manpower, which has been addressed by recruiting over 1,700 new police personnel, including 208 female police officers.

Now that you have been called role models, you should serve your nation and country through your training and exemplary performance, he added.
The minister said ” your work will have an impact on the police of other provinces. All your demands have been fulfilled. Inshallah, we hope that you will fulfill the hopes of the people”. Similarly, the establishment of the Women Police Station and the Dolphin Force, which is another unit, has been initiated.
Inshallah, they will showcase all their excellent performance. The Women Police Station has been established, but it was in a dilapidated condition, and it was not suitable for anyone to visit it. Therefore, an Estate of the Art Police Station, which meets the present-day requirements and is in line with the world’s standards, will be constructed, he added

Its foundation stone has been laid today, and Inshallah, it will be completed soon, adding another addition to the Model Police. Finally, he thanked all the police officers for their dedication and hard work in maintaining peace and security in Islamabad.

He acknowledged that the officers had worked diligently under the leadership of Dr. Akbar Naseer Khan. Despite facing various challenges, including extremely critical situations, Islamabad Police always tackled every situation professionally. Throughout the year, the minister said the security and peace situation in Islamabad was better compared to other cities, and your behavior with the citizens was commendable.

In conclusion, the Minister of Interior, Rana Sanaullah, thanked ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan and expressed his appreciation. He stated that fundamentally, it is the credit of Dr. Akbar Naseer Khan that he presented all the improvements and reforms of Islamabad Capital Police and their demands in front of us. The Government of Pakistan has generously accepted all the demands.

ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, during his concluding speech at the ceremony, said that women are playing a vital role side by side with men, and providing them with the best facilities is our priority.