Chinese modernization leads way to shared future

BEIJING: A careful review of the mechanisms of Chinese modernization shows a reliance on a set of four core human values to achieve the prosperity of Chinese society β€” development, peace, harmony and cooperation.
Projecting these values onto the global level, it can be seen that each of them can achieve a basic global need, as there is no prosperity without development, no development without peace, no peace without people-to-people bonds, and no harmony without a framework for connectivity and partnership.
From this standpoint, it can also be seen that the four initiatives that China has introduced to the world β€” the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, the Global Civilization Initiative and the Belt and Road Initiative β€” promote these values.
Similar to the fact that the four values represent the main components of Chinese modernization, the four Chinese-proposed initiatives are the pillars of building a global community with a shared future.
Taken chronologically, the first initiative to be proposed by China, the Belt and Road Initiative, is a platform for forging partnerships and international connectivity, hard and soft.
The hard connectivity is in the form of infrastructure projects, and the soft connectivity is attained through people-to-people bonds, cultural exchanges, dialogues between civilizations and mutual learning. The partnerships are the partnering of thoughts, actions and benefits. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item