Giant centipedes seized by Beijing customs

BEIJING: Ten Darwin’s goliath centipedes were intercepted in a inbound mail package by the Beijing Customs District, according to a notification by the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China issues on Monday. The centipedes were found in a routine inspection on incoming postal items. Customs officers identified a suspicious package through X-ray imaging, and 10 live centipedes were found inside the package. These centipedes, measuring 15 to 20 centimeters in length, were sealed in disposable takeout boxes filled with sawdust to ensure a humid living environment.
After examination, these centipedes were identified as Darwin’s goliath centipedes (officially known as Scolopendra galapagoensis). Native to western South America, these centipedes can grow up to 44 to 46 centimeters in length, nearly the size of a forearm of an adult.
Beijing customs has intercepted a total of 17 packages with unusual and exotic creatures this year, amounting to 128 specimens, according to China Youth Daily. With the increasing volume of cross-border e-commerce, some individuals attempt to purchase these unconventional pets. Customs authorities stressed in the notification the unauthorized import of foreign species is strictly prohibited. Carrying or mailing live animals and plants into the country without approval is illegal, and violators will face punishment in accordance with the law. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item