Vistors, patients facing novel way of penalties at PIMS

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: The staff of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences; PIMS has found a rather unique way of minting money from the people by infact, challaning the vehicles parked outside the parking lot. Moving an extra mile, this staff of PIMS, besides challaning the masses, in fact, seem to have more influence than the Traffic Police and hit the people also in case of resistance.
ED PIMS should be crowned for creating bullies for staff and the Capital authorities should now decide that whether PIMS is still within the jurisction of the city or is, in fact, a separate country altogether with it’s own Malaysia Force which has no other mission but to torture the patients and their attendants who are there seeking medical aid, challaning and troubling them.

Is this all acceptible? But once you enter the hospital gate, it’s a whole new world altogether, just like any other hospital. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to view the modern challan chits of the PIMS staff which is Rs.300 for cars and Rs.200 for motorbikes!
When contacted to ask about the police’s stance over the issue, the cops remained mum. They neither admitted nor refuted the entire incident and did not even acknowledge that they are aware of the matter in fact but playing it very safe, simply stated that this scribe should contact ED PIMS, not us as we are not involved, as if this whole barbarism is possible without their giving a blind eye to the entire scenario!