Meeting held to discuss Muharram security of twin cities

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The fifth high-level security coordination meeting was held at Safe City Islamabad, bringing together law-enforcement agencies to address security concerns for the twin cities and the upcoming holy month of Muharram-ul- Harram. During the meeting, the officers from various law-enforcement agencies thoroughly reviewed the outcomes of previous security coordination conferences, recognizing the positive impact of implemented measures.
With an unwavering commitment to safeguarding citizens’ lives and properties amidst the prevailing wave of terrorism during Muharram, all stakeholders collaborated to formulate a comprehensive action plan, ensuring heightened peace and security in the twin cities.
As part of the devised action plan, special focus will be given to fortifying both internal and external routes of the twin cities. Close monitoring of suspicious elements will be conducted to preempt any potential security threats.
Moreover, all participating law-enforcement agencies pledged to provide unyielding cooperation and support to one another in any emergency situation. “The security of our citizens remains our top priority, especially during the sacred month of Muharram ul Harram.
To combat terrorism effectively, all law enforcement agencies will engage in joint operations and share vital information for timely responses to potential threats. Importantly, these security efforts will not impact the daily duties of the police, as they remain fully committed to maintaining law and order.