‘Shanghai Spirit drives dialogue amongst SCO member states’

ISLAMABAD: Amidst various challenges faced by countries in the region and across the globe, the member states of the SCO are working together to promote the “Shanghai Spirit.”
This Spirit aims to address urgent issues and foster regional security, economic prosperity, and cultural exchange. It is not only valuable for the SCO as an international organization but also has the potential to serve as a model for relations between countries worldwide. By encouraging harmony and cooperation, it inspires collective progress and prosperity for everyone involved. These points were shared by speakers during the Webinar on “SCO Summit 2023: Implications, Challenges, and Future Prospects.”
The event was organized by the Pakistan-SCO Friendship Forum and the Center of SCO Studies, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies(IPDS). Distinguished academics and experts from SCO member states provided valuable insights about the recent SCO 2023 Summit and its implications for the future.
Speakers emphasized the vital role of people-to-people collaboration and joint efforts in finding effective solutions to complex global challenges such as climate change, extremism, technological advancements, and economic stability. They expressed a shared belief that through collective action, the SCO member states can create a more interconnected and sustainable future.
Dr. Farhat Asif, President of IPDS, highlights the importance of the webinar and the center’s vision for promoting research, cooperation, and people-to-people ties in SCO.
Throughout the event, speakers analyzed the challenges and prospects faced during the SCO summit and highlighted the importance of promoting the “Shanghai Spirit” by strengthening connections among people.
Dr. Sakti Prasad Srichandan, an Assistant Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, highlighted India’s role as the chair of the recent SCO Summit 2023. He mentioned India’s efforts in promoting sectors like medicine, culture, and innovation, as well as SCO’s progress toward expanding membership.
Kang Jie, an Associate Research Fellow from the Department for European-Central Asian Studies at the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), stressed the need for field cooperation and enhanced community collaboration to address challenges. –Agencies