Wang Yi highlights BRICS cooperation

BEIJING: Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi on Tuesday called on BRICS countries to carry out more practical cooperation in addressing global security challenges.
Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the Office of the CPC Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, made the remarks when attending the 13th Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Calling BRICS an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to unite and strengthen themselves, Wang said BRICS cooperation has achieved fruitful results and injected positive energy into the volatile world.
“Under the new circumstances, we should grasp the direction of the future development of BRICS countries, further strengthen political mutual trust and strategic cooperation, and continuously provide international public products that meet the requirements of the times,” he said.
To address the current global security challenges and resolve the security dilemmas, Wang urged BRICS countries to adhere to the premise of mutual respect, abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, respect each other’s legitimate security concerns and respect the right of countries to choose their political systems and development paths.
He also called for adhering to multilateralism, maintaining the multilateral system with the United Nations at its core and rejecting unilateralism and hegemonic practices.
“We should adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, follow international law and the generally recognized norms of international relations, resolve disputes through dialogue and settle differences through consultation, and oppose “decoupling and breaking the chain” and “double standards,” Wang stressed.
The senior Chinese diplomat also urged BRICS countries to adhere to the path of solidarity and cooperation, place national security in the context of common security, jointly address all kinds of security challenges in a spirit of win-win cooperation, and oppose zero-sum games mindset and cold-war mentality.
Wang pointed out that the Global South is a collection of emerging market countries and developing countries, adding Global South countries are faced with the important mission of resisting external interference and infiltration, and maintaining political security. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item