Lives yet unchanged but hopefully will change

Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng has said that the multibillion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) proved as a win-win cooperation between Islamabad and Beijing as it has significantly changed the lives of Pakistanis. While addressing a ceremony in Islamabad to commemorate a decade of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Chinese Vice Premier noted that the flagship project is an important part of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which became a corridor of progress and prosperity, involving huge investment and creating immense job opportunities, with the completion of various key projects thus transforming the local economy. Under the CPEC, a network of regional connectivity was initiated under a principle of extensive cooperation for mutual interests, social and economic uplift of Pakistan. While sharing stage with Chinese Vice Premier, Addressing the ceremony, PM Shehbaz informed the gathering that the two countries are entering the second phase of CPEC which would help promote investment, progress and prosperity not only for Pakistan but also for the entire region.
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), is a marvellous project of the two long standing friends and first-door neighbors, whose all-weather strategic friendship proved its worth against all odds and challenges throughout history. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was the flagship project of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which aims at enhancing global peace, friendship, and economic partnerships across Asia, Eurasia and Africa. Initiated in late 2013, the CPEC has completed a decade of successes, and achievements by creating a network of ground and sea lines of communication, energy projects, Special Economic Zones (SEZs), skill development, healthcare, education, and cultural exchanges through people to people contacts between the two nations.
The Chinese and Pakistani leadership has high confidence and good faith regarding the untapped potential and economic prospects of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which has been conceived to change the fate of the people of Pakistan. Visiting Chinese Deputy Premier has also expressed high hopes and jubliated the construction of the CPEC that had further cemented the historic Pak-China friendship and Strategic cooperation over the past decades. Undoubtedly, the CPEC is a game changer initiative and a win-win cooperation between Islamabad and Beijing, however the Pakistani nation could not harvest its economic and monetary benefits so far despite the fact that this magnificent endeavor has completed one decade of its inception.
The people of Pakistan are gradually losing their faith in the fairy tale of a prosperous future due to enhanced regional connectivity, tour and tourism, trans-nation trade and lucrative revenue generation from movement of trucks and transportation of goods from western China to Karachi/Gwadar and vice versa.
So far, no such prophecy came true and this multi billion dollar project could not bring any pivotal change in the lives of common Pakistanis over the past ten years, except providing livelihood to a few thousands of labourers and other leg workers. The widely advertised Gwadar deep water port, and huge road infrastructure still await movement of convoys running between Chinese border regions and Pakistani warm water ports of Gwadar and Karachi, prolonged electricity shortages still exists despite completion of several energy projects under the CPEC, Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are not operationalized that might realize the dream of an economic and industrial revival in a crisis hit nation if implemented in true letter and spirit.

After a decade-long journey, the CPEC has entered its second phase with the completion of preliminary road, energy and industrial infrastructure, while our Chinese friends and Pakistani political and military leadership predict the unimaginable outcome of the ongoing development schemes under the CPEC. The western think tanks commonly term the massive Chinese investment a debt trap and spreading poisonous propaganda against the CPEC unceasingly. Relentless western conspiracy and uncertain situations on the ground cast serious doubts among the masses regarding the future of the CPEC projects in the country. Amid doubts and apprehensions, the unflinching faith of Pakistani leaders and repeated assurances from the Chinese leadership regarding continued support and backing for Pakistan are the ray of hope for the poor Pakistanis, who have currently left nothing to scarify except their lives.

Historically, the CPEC faces unprecedented challenges and opposition from home and abroad while invisible enemies and powerful western blocs are actively working to sabotage this landmark economic deal between Pakistan and China. Foreign conspiracies and local terrorist groups corroborated this purely development scheme that aimed at social uplift and economic prosperity of the people of Pakistan and the entire region. Currently, the Pakistani leadership must take lead in internationalising the CPEC projects and attracting foreign investment, to initiate business and trade activities in the country. Meanwhile, the bilateral and multilateral deals with China and other regional and extra regional states would be crucial for initiating transit trade through Pakistan’s road and sea routes that will ultimately lead to regional growth and prosperity. Although the CPEC has not yet brought any significant improvement in the lives of common Pakistanis, hopefully this endeavour will bring pivotal change in the future.