Hospital linked to Japanese army unit

BEIJING: New evidence linking the establishment and operation of a Japanese military hospital with the notorious Japanese Army Unit 731 was released on Saturday.
The document was released by the Museum of Evidence of War Crimes by Japanese Army Unit 731 on Saturday in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang province, during events to mark the 78th anniversary of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45).
Japanese Army Unit 731 committed crimes and atrocities by conducting human experiments as well as chemical and germ warfare research in Harbin, capital of the province, during the war.
A 36-page document titled the “Original File of the First Army Hospital of the Japanese Army in Harbin”, detailed information from the establishment of the hospital on July 16, 1941, to Oct 11, 1945, said Jin Shicheng, a researcher from the museum.
A total of 17 files containing registration forms, names and addresses of hospital personnel are contained in the document, with some details the same as members of the Unit 731. The hospital was located in Nangang district in Harbin, with a branch in Pingfang district. It had 10 departments, including internal medicine, infections, surgery, equipment and education with 404 medical staff. It could hold about 7,200 patients. –The Daily Mail-China Daily exchange item