Neelum Hydro resumes operations

Muzaffarabad: After remaining inoperative for more than a year, the Neelum Jhelum Hydropower project has resumed electricity generation following the restoration of its tail race tunnel.
The outgoing Minister for Water Resources Syed Khursheed Shah inaugurated the rehabilitation of the 969-MW Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project near Muzaffarabad.
He also inspected the tunnel and lauded the efforts made by WAPDA, the project team, the consultants and the contractors for resumption of electricity generation from the project.
On the occasion, Syed Khursheed Shah announced regularization of contract employees of the project.
It is pertinent to mention here that WAPDA immediately started remedial works by awarding contract to a Chinese construction firm after seeking approval the Federal Government.
The 969 MW-Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project had started electricity generation in April 2018. Prior to collapse of its tail race tunnel last year, the project had generated more than 18 billion units of the electricity for the national grid. –Agencies