Sugar quota for Afghanistan ex-pires

KHYBER: The sugar export quota of 32,000 Metric Tons – approved by the government of Pakistan – for ex-port to Afghanistan has come to an end on Friday.
According to the sources, after the approval, the consistent shipments of sugar continued to Afghanistan, accompanied by instances of smuggling.
The customs authorities foiled various smuggling bids in Torkham and Meechanay, thwarting the attempts of smuggling.
According to customs sources, following the approval, Chinese sugar continued to be emported into Afghani-stan, accompanied by ongoing instances of smuggling. Despite various interventions at different locations, including Torkham and Meechanay, customs authorities managed to thwart the smuggling attempts.
Reports indicate that within a few months a total of 477 bags, weighting 23,850 kilograms of sugar were seized. Additionally, 20 cases were registered and 10 vehicles were seized in connection to these smuggling activities.
The Pakistani government granted a dedicated quota of 32,000 metric tons of sugar for export to Afghani-stan to fulfill its sugar requirements. This allocated quota has now expired. –Agencies