Minister visits NHA HQs

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Minister of Communications, Postal Services, and Railways Shahid Ashraf Tarar on Sunday paid a visit to the National Highway Authority (NHA) headquarters following his assumption of the portfolio.
Head of the Public Relations Department Sabtain Raza Lodhi, conveyed that a warm welcome was extended to Shahid Ashraf Tarar by various officials, including Federal Secretary of Communications and Postal Services, Captain (R) Muhammad Khurram Agha, Zahir Shah, Member Admin, Sajjad Ahmed Khan, Member of the Board, Shakeel Anwar, General Manager of Establishment, Abdul Ghaffar Farooqui, Director of Establishment, Umair Saduzai, PRO to Chairman NHA, and others. They congratulated him on his new role.
Subsequently, an informative briefing session was organized by the NHA to apprise Federal Minister Shahid Ashraf Tarar of the ongoing challenges in under-construction projects and various sectors.