Indian Forces martyr two Kashmiris

SRINAGAR: Indian forces in their fresh act of state terrorism, martyred two Kashmiri youth in Pulwama district in Indian illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).
Indian army and paramilitary forces martyred the two youth during a cordon and search operation in Parigam area of the district.
The operation was launched by the Indian forces on Sunday in the area
Meanwhile, Indian troops also launched a cordon and search operation in the higher reaches of the Halan area of Kulgam district in south Kashmir, a police official said. Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has urged the international community to take cognizance of the increasing Indian state terrorism in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
In a statement issued in Srinagar, today, the DFP spokesman while voicing his concern over the worsening political and human rights situation in the occupied territory said that the Indian authorities have intensified their state terrorism, mainly targeting pro-freedom leaders, activists and civil society members who have been critical of the Modi government’s muscular policies.
Highlighting the use of state repression in response to democratic dissent, the spokesman said that on the one hand witch-hunt against political, social and human rights activists goes on unabated, while on the other occupation authorities have reopened cases against hundreds of political activists. –Agencies