ICCPO visits PIMS Hospital

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital City Police Officer Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan visited PIMS Hospital to see SP Headquarters Muhammad Ayub, who was undergoing a treatment.
During the visit, Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan offered a bouquet of flowers to SP Headquarters Muhammad Ayub and inquired about his health and treatment progress. Additionally, SSP Headquarters was also present at the event. ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan emphasized that officers and youth are valuable assets of the police department, highlighting a sense of camaraderie and unity within the department.
Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan asserted that everyone within the department is like a family, ensuring that no officer or official would ever feel alone during challenging times.
This sentiment aims to foster a supportive and caring environment within the police department.