Security beefed up in Capital

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr Akbar Nasir Khan, in a concerted effort to maintain peace and tranquility within the federal capital and ensure the safety of citizens, the Islamabad Capital Police has established special check posts at various areas of Islamabad.
During the month of August, 6,272 vehicles, 17,575 motorcycles and 13,426 individuals were thoroughly checked at these check posts. Additionally, 1,248 individuals were shifted to police stations for verification purposes, while 238 vehicles and 4,235 motorcycles were impounded at various police stations.
During this operation, one vehicle was also shifted to Anti Vehicle Theft Cell (AVLU). A total of 12 FIRs have been registered. ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan reaffirmed that Islamabad Capital Police will not tolerate any elements that disrupt peace and security, and all officials have been instructed to ensure the highest level of diligence.
He stressed the importance of utilizing all available resources to further enhance the effectiveness of citywide patrolling and to optimize the deployment of police officials for checkpoint duty.
Citizens are also urged to cooperate fully with law enforcement personnel, and keep their identification documents handy while traveling, and report any suspicious activities or individuals to their respective police stations or the emergency helpline “Pucar-15.”
ICCPO Dr Akbar Nasir Khan emphasized that Islamabad Capital Police remains committed to taking all necessary actions to protect the lives, properties, and private and government assets within the capital.