Scientific prize winners announced

BEIJING: Five scientists were conferred the 2023 WLA Prize, an award initiated by the World Laureates Association, for their groundbreaking achievements in mathematics or life science, the WLA Prize Management Committee announced on Thursday in Shanghai.
Arkadi Nemirovski from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States, and Yurii Nesterov from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, won the WLA Prize in Computer Science or Mathematics “for their seminal work in convex optimization theory”.
Daniela Rhodes from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Karolin Luger from the University of Colorado Boulder in the US, and Timothy J. Richmond from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, were recognized as the winners of the WLA Prize in Life Science or Medicine “for elucidating the structure of the nucleosome at the atomic level”. Wu Xiangdong, executive director of the WLA and chairman of the WLA Prize Management Committee, said the five laureates will come to Shanghai to attend the award ceremony on Nov 6. The ceremony, which coincides with the 6th WLA Forum, will be followed by a series of engaging sessions to celebrate the laureates’ outstanding achievements, Wu added. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item