ICCPO holds virtual Khuli Katcheri

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan on Wednesday hold an online khuli katcheri to give the residents direct access to the police high ups, a public relations officer said.
He said that the ICCPO Dr Akbar Nasir Khan responded to the public queries via phone calls from 04pm to 06pm. ICCPO Dr Akbar Nasir Khan listened to the problems of the callers and directed the concerned officers for their immediate solution. Most of the problems that were mentioned were the citizen’s personal and were related to police stations.
Speaking to the citizens, the ICCPO said that the police were striving hard to redress public issues as early as possible. He said the purpose of such initiatives was aimed at bridging the gap between police and the public.
People from across the city put their proposals before the ICCPO. Most of the issues were related to citizen personal matters, investigation matters, early disposal of cases and others.
The Capital Police Chief told the viewers that the federal capital has witnessed a clear reduction of crime incidents due to effective policing measures, hard work of the cops and swift action on Pucar 15 calls. Citizens are also requested to cooperate with the Islamabad Capital Police and report any suspicious activity on Pucar-15 helpline.