Foolproof security ensured at High Security zone

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO), Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the Islamabad Capital Police is ceaselessly dedicated to preserving law and order within the federal capital.
To fortify the security of the high security zone, personnel stationed at Margalla Road naka diligently executing their responsibilities, meticulously verifying the particulars of individuals accessing the high security zone and meticulously documenting vehicle information.
The high security zone encompasses pivotal government and private establishments, diplomatic missions, and other vital assets, necessitating an unwavering focus on their safeguarding.
Government personnel entering the high security zone are now mandated to display their departmental identification cards. Additionally, individuals with private business within the high security zone are urged to carry their requisite documentation and extend their full cooperation to on-duty personnel.
Senior officers have directed the personnel on duty to uphold the highest standards of diligence and professionalism, cultivating a positive rapport with citizens. Citizens are also urged to promptly report any perceived suspicious activity or individuals to the helpline “Pucar-15.”