JI stages sit-in in front of Sindh Governor House

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Jamaat Islami holding a sit-in in front of Sindh Governor House here at 5:00pm to protest against inflated petrol and power prices and price hike.
All preparations and arrangements have been finalized for the sit-in which will be led by JI Ameer Siraj ul Haq, a spokesperson has stated. “The JI sit-in will also express solidarity with oppressed Muslims of Palestine,” party spokesman said.
The protest camp has been installed and participants will reach the Governor House in a rally. Containers have been parked around the place.
Moreover, Governor Kamran Tessori in a telephone call to JI Karachi chief Hafiz Naeem, has offered every possible assistance for the participants of the sit-in.
Jamaat-e-Islami last month decided to stage protest sit-ins in front of all governor houses against inflated electricity bills.
“We will stage sit-ins in front of governor houses in all four provinces and observe wheel-jam strike along with traders and transporters, if the government refused to reduce electricity bills,” JI Ameer said.
“When government purchases expansive electricity itself, why it shifts its burden on general public,” Siraj ul Haq questioned.
He also castigated power agreements with independent power producers (IPPs).
“We will gather details of these contracts and will challenge them in the Supreme Court,” Siraj said.
He also claimed that the government intends to hike the electricity price to 90 rupees per unit.