Journalists give lectures to Capital Police College trainees

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr Akbar Nasir Khan, the Capital Police College Islamabad has enlisted the experts of various institutions to augment the training of officers in its inaugural Advanced Course.
These collaborations bring valuable insights and experiences to enlighten aspiring officers, covering a wide range of subjects including media strategy, positive or negative use of social media and its impact.
Notable figures from journalism contributing to this endeavor including Journalist Aizaz Syed give insight of introduction to public relation, communication skills, social media and digital PR, complaint management, dealing with pressure groups and types of media. Journalist Absar Alam gives lectures regarding crisis communication, media management, conflict management, different methods of communication, media handling and police, police relations with media.
Journalist Umer Cheema gives lectures to under-training officers regarding media relation, community policing, role of media, different types of communication, kinds of print media, electronic media, negative and positive aspects of media, press conference in emergency situations and nature of job of police and media.
On the occasion the Deputy Commandant Capital Police College said that, due to the special efforts of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the first advance course for police officers was started at CPC, and all resources are being utilized to further enhance the capacity of police officers and to harmonize with modern requirements.
ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan emphasized that these training courses and workshops aim to equip police officers with the latest tools and knowledge to better serve their professional responsibilities and enhance the quality of service provided to the citizens.
He further said that, several initiatives are already underway, with some milestones have been achieved and others in progress, all guided by the priority of serving the community effectively.
These training courses and workshops are geared towards molding police officers along modern lines, facilitating citizen convenience, and delivering the best possible services. He also stated that similar trainings will continue to be organized in the future as well.