EU foreign policy Chief to visit China

BEIJING: Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, will pay a visit to China from Oct. 12 to 14, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced on Wednesday.
Wang said that Borrell’s visit is at the invitation of member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and the two sides will hold the 12th round of China-EU High-level Strategic Dialogue during the visit.
Noting this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, Wang said that since this year began, Chinese and EU leaders have had frequent exchanges, and dialogue and cooperation has been carried out across the board at various levels, adding that China-EU relations have shown a positive momentum of growth.
China welcomes High Representative Josep Borrell to visit China and the opportunity to hold a new round of China-EU High-level Strategic Dialogue, and this will contribute to the sound and steady growth of China-EU relations, lay the ground for future high-level interaction and invigorate joint response to global challenges and efforts for global peace and stability, said Wang.
As the world’s two major forces, mega markets and great civilizations, Wang said that China and Europe share extensive common interests in the world’s peace, stability and development and human progress, and bilateral relations have global influence and significance.
“China stands ready to work with the EU to stay committed to our comprehensive strategic partnership, enhance strategic communication and policy coordination, increase mutual trust, expand cooperation, overcome disturbances, properly settle differences and deliver more benefits to our two peoples and the world,” Wang said.
Meanwhile, The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday announced EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell’s China trip and expressed welcome, saying his visit is conducive to the healthy and stable development of China-EU relations.
It noted that China is willing to work with the EU to strengthen strategic communication, coordination and cooperation, enhance mutual trust and appropriately handle differences, as the two powers share a wide range of common interests. Analysts believe that talks between Borrell and Chinese officials will take place in a pragmatic and frank manner in an atmosphere of cooperation perspective, rather than concentrating on “de-risking” that could result in trouble. Despite their differences, the mutual needs of the two sides over a wide range of areas of interest and cooperation will help maintain the stable development of China-EU relations. –Agencies