LHC summons PM, Punjab CM

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) has summoned Caretaker Prime Minister (PM) Anwaar-ul-Haq and caretaker Chief Minister (CM) Punjab Mohsin Naqvi on December 18, over the issue of altered publications of translations of the Holy Quran.
According to the petitioner’s plea, the printing of altered publication of the Holy Quran’s translations is against the law which was passed in 2019 regarding the publication of Islam’s holy book. In the written verdict released by LHC Judge Justice Shujaat Ali Khan PM Kakare and Punjab CM Mohsin Naqvi have been directed to appear before court on December 18.
The written order stated that compliance with the orders should be ensured through the principal sec-retaries of the PM and the CM.
The court in its verdict further said that the reports submitted by the AGP and Advocate General Pun-jab cannot be taken as policy statements in the case.
Under a 2019 law, every translation of the Quran must be cleared by a board before publication. How-ever, the case filed in 2022 says that appropriate permissions were not taken for the publication of an altered translation of the Quran. –Agencies