Debate sparks over school power cut

BEIJING: A vocational high school in Suzhou, Anhui province, removed all power outlets and extension cords from the dormitories after students stayed up late playing on their phones, leading to protests from the students and heated debate online.
Video footage shows students expressing their dissatisfaction by throwing waste paper around the campus and even setting fire to garbage in an open area.
A staff member of the school told Beijing News on Wednesday that the school no longer allows students to charge their electronic devices in the dormitories. Instead, students can charge their devices in the classrooms, which close at 9:30 pm.
The school’s action was also a response to students using high-power electrical appliances to cook and dry their hair inside the dormitories, which could lead to fire hazards. The incident has sparked debate among netizens. While some support the school’s efforts to ensure safety and minimize distractions, others question if such measures will be effective, as students can resort to power banks. Some netizens shared their experiences at school where electricity is cut at dormitories from a certain hour at night. Indeed, it’s a common practice for schools to cut electricity at dormitories to prevent students from staying up too late. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item