China’s parcel delivery sector hits record pace

BEIJING: China’s peak season for parcel delivery is yet to come, but the sector has already hit a record pace. As of Monday morning, China has handled more than 100 billion parcels so far this year — 39 days earlier than last year, the State Post Bureau of China said. That showcases the sector’s strong resilience and vitality, it said.
According to the bureau’s real-time monitoring data platform, the 100 billionth parcel was sent out at 7:39 am from a warehouse in Qingdao, Shandong province. The parcel was a down jacket produced in Changshu, Jiangsu province, and pre-placed at a warehouse in Qingdao. A customer surnamed Liu, who is in Qingdao, received her parcel at about noon. The sector’s vitality demonstrates that China’s economy has continued to improve, the bureau said on Monday.
China’s parcel delivery sector has continued to grow rapidly this year. Since March, the number of parcels handled each month has reached a record 10 billion. In 2013, the annual number was less than 9.2 billion.
“China has a large market with a great number of consumers. As the consumption market continues to rebound, the significant increase in online shopping demand has been greatly driven by positive macroeconomic factors and has effectively led to the continuous growth of the industry,” said Yang Fei, head of the parcel delivery section of the bureau’s market inspection department. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item