Ghauri System successfully launched

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan on Tuesday successfully conducted training launch of Ghauri Weapon System aimed at testing the operational and technical readiness of Army Strategic Forces Command.
The launch was witnessed by the Commander Army Strategic Force Command (ASFC), senior officers from the strategic forces, scientists and engineers of strategic organization.
The Commander ASFC appreciated the standard of training and operational preparedness of Army Strategic Forces, which was reflected by proficient handling of Weapon System in the field and achievement of operational and technical objectives.
He also appreciated the scientists and engineers for their contributions towards enhancement of Pakistan’s strategic capability.
The test flight was aimed at re-validating various design and technical parameters of the weapons system including an advanced post-separation attitude correction system for anti-BMD and an advanced terminal and mid-course navigation system.
All test parameters were fully met. This aims to strengthen deterrence and strategic stability through operationalizing Pakistan’s ‘Full-Spectrum Deterrence’. The Hatf-V Ghauri is a single-stage, liquid-fuelled ballistic missile indigenously made by KRL Pakistan, capable of carrying a single large strategic warheads up to a range of 1,750 kilometres. The president, the prime minister, the chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee and the services chiefs congratulated the participating troops, scientists and engineers on successful conduct of training launch. –Agencies