Youth to play role in food security

BEIJING: Global food security requires youth leadership and international cooperation, said officials at a sub-forum of the World Youth Development Forum on Wednesday.
Liu Xiaonan, deputy head of the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, told the sub-forum focusing on climate response and youth action that in recent years, the world has experienced increasing uncertainties, such as extreme weather events, which have exacerbated the problem of hunger. Safeguarding global food security has become a common pursuit for countries worldwide.
“Youth, with their ideals and sense of responsibility, have become a driving force in guaranteeing the nation’s food security. Chinese youths have contributed to grassroots efforts, conducted scientific research and explored innovations in various fields.
“However, the global food security sector still faces numerous risks and challenges. To achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, it is crucial for young people to play a more critical role in this endeavor,” he said. It is hoped that young people can broaden dialogue channels and become bridges and linkages in the field of food security. By deepening multi-form exchanges and cooperation, they can contribute to an efficient, open and fair global governance system for food security, he added. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item