PTI to ‘fully participate’ in upcoming polls

From Our Correspondent 

LAHORE: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has announced its “full participation” in the upcoming general elections, vowing to champion the cause of constitutional supremacy, democracy restoration, rule of law, and national development and prosperity.

Following its meeting on Monday, the PTI Core Committee emphasised that no level of “state oppression” would deter the Tehreek-e-Insaf from entering the electoral arena.

As per the directives of the former prime minister and PTI Chairman, Imran Khan, the party is set to actively engage in the national and provincial assembly elections, undeterred by any form of coercion or suppression, the core committee affirmed.

PTI is poised to field candidates in all constituencies, it added.

The committee paid glowing tributes to the party chairman for demonstrating “unparalleled courage, resilience, and determination”.

Imran Khan stands as an embodiment of struggle, resistance, maturity, determination, and perseverance in the pursuit of genuine liberation for the nation, the committee noted, highlighting the chairman’s “unwavering resolve” despite his nearly 100-day “unjust incarceration”, “a victim of the state’s vindictive pursuits”.

Members of the committee highlighted that Imran Khan’s “bravery and unwavering commitment” to not compromise on the true freedom of the nation serve as a wellspring of inspiration for the 240 million Pakistanis.

Drawing a contrast between the PTI and the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) parties, the committee asserted that the latter had come to power to shield their ill-gotten gains.

These political proxies ascended to power to safeguard their plundered wealth, personal interests, and nefarious political schemes, it added.

“However, the people of Pakistan have repudiated the politics of begging, escape through apologies, and return under the umbrella of National Reconciliation Ordinances”.

The PTI core committee underscored that the “state trembles at the dismal fate of its puppets” and has “unlawfully detained” the most popular leader of Pakistan, Imran Khan.

However, with the power of vote, people of Pakistan will subdue ongoing tyranny and its agents, the committee said, while “vehemently condemning” the “violent state crackdowns” on PTI leaders and workers, along with the “unlawful, fascistic measures” impeding peaceful political activities of the PTI ahead of the elections.

The committee emphasised that the nation would not acknowledge the “worst forms of state interference, electoral imbalances, and rigged elections”.

It called on the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to avert “tarnishing its reputation with the stain of rigging”. Additionally, the Supreme Court was urged to take notice of the pre-election actions “undertaken by state machinery” in the country.

Furthermore, the committee approved the release of a white paper, prepared by the PTI’s economic team, detailing the “decimation” of the economy during the tenure of the previous Pakistan Democratic Movement and the current caretaker government.

The comprehensive white paper will present the narrative of the economy’s distressing manipulation by “incompetent PDM rulers and caretakers”.