Pakistan, Russia agree to jointly curb terrorism

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Russia have agreed to strengthen collaborative efforts to effectively combat terrorism, underscoring the mutual benefits of such cooperation, the Foreign Office said Friday. The two sides discussed the various forms of radicalization, the spread of terrorist ideologies, and the misuse of information and communication technologies for terrorist purposes, the FO said in a statement.
Ambassador Syed Haider Shah, Additional Foreign Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, and Ambassador Sergey Vershinin, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation co-chaired the 10th meeting of the Pakistan-Russia Joint Working Group on ‘Combating International Terrorism and Other Challenges to Security’ held here on Thursday.
The two sides resolved to work together in combating the financing of terrorism and in other key areas of counter-terrorism. The meeting reaffirmed the commitment of both Pakistan and Russia to continue their cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The sides recognized the importance of their partnership in maintaining regional and global security. The two sides discussed at length the global and regional terrorist threats, with a particular focus on the situations in Afghanistan, Central and South Asia, and North Africa.
The dialogue underscored the complexity of the terrorism landscape and the need for continued vigilance. Both sides outlined their respective national strategies and measures in combating terrorism. Pakistan and Russia shared their experiences and best practices, highlighting the importance of national efforts in the broader fight against terrorism.
The meeting was part of regular exchanges in the backdrop of Pakistan-Russia bilateral counter-terrorism cooperation. Discussions on enhancing cooperation in multilateral forums, such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), were particularly fruitful, the FO said. The next meeting of the Working Group will be held in 2024.
Earlier, :Experts attending a counter-terrorism and de-radicalization symposium in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou have called for international cooperation on counter-terrorism and joint efforts to tackle risks and challenges. Held both online and offline, the fourth global symposium on counter-terrorism, de-radicalization and human right protection attracted officials, experts, scholars and representatives from non-governmental organizations from countries including China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden, Italy and Pakistan.
Jiang Jianguo, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said during the event that the global challenge posed by terrorism has reached an unprecedented level over the past two decades.
Counter-terrorism has become a consensus of the international community and significant progress has been made in the global fight against terrorism.