Demoted official under investigation

BEIJING: Nine years after his demotion, a former official in Jiangxi province is once again under investigation for serious violations of the law, according to Jiangxi’s provincial disciplinary inspection and supervisory agencies.
Zhao Zhiyong, 68, a native of Hebei province, began working in 1970 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1973. He retired in June 2015. Zhao worked for many years at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, becoming the president of ICBC’s Jiangxi provincial branch in 2000.
He left the banking system in 2001 when he held the position of assistant to the governor of Jiangxi province. One year later, he became the province’s vice-governor, serving in that position until June 2008. Later, he became a member of the Standing Committee of CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee and Secretary-General of CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee.
In June 2014, he was removed from his position in the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee due to serious violations of Party disciplines.
A statement from the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision in July 2014 revealed that Zhao was found using his positions to seek personal gain. The CCDI and NCS decided to expel Zhao from the Party, revoke his treatment as a deputy provincial-level official, demote him to a clerk and confiscate his ill-gotten gains. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item