Sci-tech press gaining in global clout

BEIJING: The influence of Chinese scientific journals has been on the rise over the past decade, based on indicators such as the number of international citations and inclusion in renowned international databases, according to the Blue Book on China’s Scientific Journal Development (2023).
Released by the China Association for Science and Technology in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, on Wednesday during the 18th Forum on Development of China’s STEM Journals, this year’s blue book is the seventh in an annual series recording and reflecting the development of Chinese scientific and technological journals. The citations of Chinese scientific journals written in English reached 882,600 in 2021, up 338.29 percent compared with 2015, and the citations of Chinese scientific journals written in Chinese reached 692,600, up 128.31 percent, the annual blue book showed.
The Scientific Citation Index, or SCI, is an important database for gauging the performance of papers, and foreign authors have been publishing more papers in Chinese journals over the past decade. They accounted for 9.53 percent of papers in such journals in 2013, rising to a peak of 19.76 percent in 2020. Last year, they accounted for 18.11 percent.
As of May, Scopus — the world’s largest abstract and citation database — had indexed 1,197 Chinese journals, accounting for 4.47 percent of the total number of journals indexed worldwide. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item