Celebrating the Spirit of Unity: UAE’s 52nd National Day

DUBAI: Skyscrapers are backbone of UAE’s economic activities, tourism promotion, attracting foreign investments and outstanding accommodation structure. Photo by Hazrat Ali Yousafzai.

By Hazrat Ali Yousafzai

As the United Arab Emirates (UAE) marks its 52nd National Day, it is a moment of pride for both its citizens and the countless expatriates who call this remarkable nation home. The reasons behind this sense of pride are multifaceted, reflecting the UAE’s journey from a desert landscape to a global powerhouse in finance, trade, and tourism.

One of the key factors that make the UAE a beacon of hope for people from less privileged nations is its reputation as an ideal destination where dreams can truly be fulfilled. The UAE’s commitment to providing opportunities for growth and prosperity has turned it into a magnet for individuals seeking a chance to turn their aspirations into reality.

Moving on, security is the cornerstone of the UAE’s success story. It stands out as the safest and most secure country globally, creating an environment where residents and visitors alike can thrive without the shadow of uncertainty. This commitment to safety has played a pivotal role in the nation’s growth and has been a key factor in attracting talent and investment from around the world.

The UAE’s unique governance system, rooted in a traditional royal framework, has proven to be a model of stability and progress. In contrast to some democracies where freedom of speech can be misconstrued as political chaos, the UAE’s leadership has shown that prosperity can be achieved by its pattern of governance and rule. The visionary political leadership has transformed the once barren desert into a global hub, showcasing the potential of unity, vision, and dedication.

The phrase “state is like a mother” applicable with the UAE, where citizens experience a level of respect and adherence to protocols that underscores the nurturing role of the nation. The leadership’s commitment to the well-being and prosperity of its people is evident in the practical implementation of this philosophy, creating a sense of belonging and pride among the population.

For foreign investors, the UAE’s firm rules and regulations provide a stable and secure business environment. The government’s commitment to preventing any form of bullying or unfair business practices ensures that businesses, whether local or international, can flourish without fear of unwarranted interference.

As we celebrate the UAE’s 52nd National Day, it is a moment to reflect on the incredible journey this nation has undertaken. From a land of dreams for those seeking opportunity to a global leader in various domains, the United Arab Emirates stands as a testament to the power of unity, vision, and a commitment to progress. Here’s to the UAE – a nation that continues to inspire and set new standards for the world.

—The writer is UAE resident and virtually affiliated with The Daily Mail, he can be reached at alihazrat8789@gmail.com