Weapons handling training held at lines HQs

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The closing ceremony of a three-day weapon handling training course held at Police Line Headquarters, in which 25 participants participated. In the weapon handling course, basic knowledge of weapons and training were provided to the participants.
According to the details, following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, a series of self-defense courses is being conducted for the citizens of the federal capital Islamabad, in order to ensure the safety of their lives and property and train them to deal with any emergency situation.
In this regard, a closing ceremony was organized at Police Line Headquarters, in which AIG Logistics was the chief guest.
He distributed the certificates among the participants who had successfully com-pleted the training course. He said that the purpose of conducting this course was to provide citizens with basic knowledge about weapons, safe use of weapons, and self-defense in any emergency situa-tion.
He further said that several friendly policing programs will be organized in the future to bridge the gap between police and citizens and promote community policing between Islamabad police and citizens.