WAPDA officers again allowed free power

PESHAWAR: The Peshawar High Court (PHC) on Thursday suspended the decision of the caretaker government to end the provision of free electricity units to the WAPDA employees.
The ruling was announced during the hearing of a plea of PESCO offices for free electricity units provi-sion. The PHC after suspending the notification of the government, issued notices to the caretaker federal government and WAPDA.
The respondents have been asked to submit their responses at the next hearing of the case It is to be noted that Pakistan ended free electricity units for the DISCOs and GENCOs, WAPDA and NTDC officers from December 1, 2023.
In a notification issued by the power division, it was stated the federal cabinet had approved moneti-sation of free electricity units admissible to the employees of Wapda, ex-Wapda companies, including distribution companies (Discos), generation companies (Gencos), National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) and Power Information Technology Company (PITC).
The WAPDA employees had been protesting for the continuing of free electricity units to them. –Agencies