Shrinking working population poses challenges to job market

BEIJING: With China’s aging and shrinking working population posing challenges for the country’s job market and economic development, experts have urged for more efforts to optimize the population structure and education system to ensure social stability and sustainable development.
A recent report released by the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing said the average age of those in China’s labor force was 39.4 years at the end of 2021 — up from 32.2 years in 1985. Five provinces had significantly older working populations, with Heilongjiang topping the list with an average of 41.7 years, followed by two other northeastern provinces, Liaoning with 40.7 and Jilin with 40.5. Chongqing in southwestern China and the eastern province of Zhejiang also had workforce ages well above the national average.
The labor force has also shrunk, with the latest figures from the National Bureau of Statistics showing that the nation’s working population — aged between 16 and 59 — was about 875.6 million by the end of 2022, accounting for about 62 percent of the total population but down by 6.66 million from the previous year. “The aging problem and the lengthening years of schooling are the main reasons for the increasing average age of the working population,” said Pang Shi, director of the Chinese Academy of Personnel Science’s department of employment and entrepreneurship in Beijing.
“China had 210 million people — roughly 15 percent of the total population — aged over 65 in 2022, while the working population had their average years of schooling lengthened to 10.75 years.” She said the working population would continue to shrink.
“It’s estimated that the working population will be reduced by 7.9 million a year from 2020 to 2030 and be around 825 million by 2030, roughly 58.6 percent of the total population by that time,” Pang said. “The aging problem will last quite a long time and is irreversible.”
She said the decrease in the working population and the aging problem would first pose a shock to the job market and then cause a series of social problems, including hampering economic and technological advancement and increasing the burden on the social security system. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item