Lack of public transport taking toll on Faisalabad factory workers

FAISALABAD: Asma Bibi used to earn a handsome amount for her family by stitching garments at a factory, but she had to quit her job because of the rising cost of commuting.


Like Asma, scores of other workers are facing the same situation, and are trying to find work near their homes or in areas where public transport is available.


Shortage of public transport is adding to the woes of workers, who are already facing financial hardship due to record inflation.


The public transport scarcity is also badly hampering the business activities making it difficult for the millers to engage the skilled workers.


An urban transport service was launched in the Faisalabad city, covering almost all the routes. However, the service was halted to accommodate an industrialist, who brought his own buses on roads. However, this service is also not available now.


Shafiq Ahmed, a garment factory worker, said he had to walk three kilometres daily to catch the transport being provided by his owner. He said travel between his home and workplace in Khurrianwala consumed two to three hours daily.


“I can use these three hours to earn more money if I can get a job near my home or where I can easily avail public transport,” he said.


He said he couldn’t remain without work even for a day as his family was solely dependent on his income. “Travelling such long distances daily is causing me mental stress.”


Asama Bibi is also searching for a job near her home to avoid daily travel. “I was working in a stitching department of a textile unit and earning Rs20,000 a month. However, I left the job as it was very difficult for her to reach the factory, which was about 10 kilometres from her home.” She said she had to take a rickshaw to and from her workplace due to the absence of public transport. She said the factory didn’t provide transport facility for workers.


Asama said some big units were providing transportation facility to workers, but such factories were away from the city areas.


A factory owner, who wished not to be named, admitted that lack of transport was creating problems for workers. However, he said he had made arrangements for workers’ transport.


He said he had to spend a handsome amount on transportation of workers. –INP