Academic Staff Association of COMSATS University takes oath

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Academic Staff Association (ASA) of COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad campus has taken oath on Wednesday 31st January for the year 2024. The purpose of ASA is to safeguard and promote the interests and legitimate rights of the University Teachers and to build academic life in all Campuses of CUI. The ASA-CUI shall govern and shall operate under the approved Constitution.
The new cabinet of ASA was elected on 18th January. Prof. Dr. Altaf Karim, Tenured Professor and Chief Election Commissioner of ASA-CUI has administrated the oath, whereas Mr. Fahid Sharif recited a few versus from Holy Quran. After taking the oath the outgoing President of ASA-CUI Prof. Dr. Siraj ul Islam Ahmad informed about the progress of last year, whereas Dr. Muhammad Jadoon Khan addressed the cabinet and committed to solve the outstanding issues of all faculty members across the board. Dr. Jadoon said, we should be ready to accept the criticism the way we used to criticize the opponents in the past. It was emphasized that cabinet will meet frequently for possible solution of the faculty members. President also thanked the outgoing cabinet who also attended the oath taking ceremony.
Newly elected General Secretary Dr. Farooq Iqbal Buzdar briefed the faculty regarding the achievements of 2023 and thanked outgoing President for his hard work during his tenure. Major achievements were approval and timely disbursement of 25% dearness allowance, approval and revision in time-scale promotion statutes, timely disbursal of 13th salary, revision of appraisal form, access to annual appraisal, implementation of maternity and paternity leave rules, rejection of imposed implementation of new CPF policy and reversal of revised TTS promotion criteria. Ceremony was concluded with the vote of thanks.