Pakistan, EU agree to build new linkages

—— Both sides agree to deepen ties under Strategic Engagement Plan

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and the European Union on Friday agreed to further deepen their relations in line with the Strategic Engagement Plan (2019). The agreement was reached in a meeting between Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell Fontelles.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 3rd Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum in Brussels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted on X. During the meeting, the two sides discussed global and regional issues, emphasizing the vitality of diplomacy in resolving disputes. They also highlighted the need to develop partnerships to tackle global challenges.

Meanwhile, The European Union has fulfilled its pledge of an additional grant assistance of 100 million euros (Rs30 billion) to enhance the post-flood resilience in Pakistan. EU Ambassador Dr Riina Kionka and Economic Affairs Division (EAD) Secretary Kazim Niaz signed five new grant agreements in Islamabad on Monday. These agreements, under Team Europe’s response to the 2022 post-flood Resilient Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Re­­construction Frame­work, signify a substantial commitment of the European Union towards Pakistan. The new EU support package aims to fortify Pakistan’s resilience in the aftermath of the floods, bringing the total Team Europe response to the 2022 floods to over 930 million euros.

The specific focus areas include revitalising the rural economy in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and restoring the disrupted livestock value chains in flood-affected areas of Balo­chistan. Notably, these activities align with the expansive EU Global Gateway initiative, the largest EU investment programme designed to propel the global green transition.

Moreover, the package extends its impact by fortifying Pakistan’s long-term resilience through targeted investments in human rights, gender equality, and civil society.

The EAD secretary thanked the EU for its support, emphasising that there are unmet needs in the flood-affected areas that require assistance of development partners.

Dr Kionka stated that Pakistan is not alone in overcoming its challenging phase of economic crisis and flood recovery.

“The EU and Team Europe partners are committed to building back better, sustainably improving lives in the most affected communities in KP and Balochistan.”

The EU’s commitment to Pakistan encompasses a vision of a stable, democratic, and pluralistic country that respects rights and maximizes its economic potential, she added.

The EU annually provides approximately 90 million euros in grants for development and cooperation, supporting Pakistan’s initiatives to combat poverty, enhance education, promote good governance, human rights, rule of law, and ensure sustainable natural resource management.

The EU’s cooperation spans across all of Pak­istan, with a special focus on KP, Gilgit-Baltistan, Balochistan and Sindh.