PSW simplification need of hour to facilitate gemstone exports: APCEA

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Single Window Operation (PSW) is a complicated system needing simplification to provide convenience to the businesspeople involved in the mining, processing and import/export of gemstones.

Syed Minhaj Uddin Shah, Chairman of All Pakistan Commercial Exporters Association (APCEA), Namak Mandi, Peshawar, said this while speaking to media.

“The digitalized PSW has reduced the time involved in cross-border trade. However, the local trade and business communities involved in mining and gemstone exports need far less simplicity in online operations. The mining of gemstones and their further processing is already a hectic job, and the lengthy documentation process adds to the difficulties. It increases the cost of production, thus causing a decrease in the demand for our products,” he said.

All the operations performed by the government are framed to serve the people. The single window operation is also one of the best facilities to make trade and business a harmonized system, especially at the international level. But to make it easier to go, it is important to simplify the documentation process.

“The PSW is a single-entry point for provision of information, documentation, and transit-related regulatory requirements to help the parties involved in trade and transport. Unfortunately, it’s a bit complicated for traders and businessmen to understand and involve in the import and export of rough or value-added gemstones. With the consultation of all stakeholders, some changes in the PSW format can make it more suitable,” he added.

“APCEA wishes to increase gemstone exports and foreign exchange. So, it is important to get suggestions from all stakeholders before framing a policy. It will help bring ease. Every year, the Association files suggestions with the relevant chamber of commerce and industry at the time of budgeting, so that any amendment to any policy would be scripted to provide us ease in business,” said the APCEA chairman.

“People are facing difficulty in documentation to provide information to the PSW. For example, if the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) needs something, the provincial department asks for something else. After all these procedures, when a person takes interest in exports, the information requirements are different. To avoid all these complications, the most important thing is to align all the related departments.”

He said decrease in exports of gemstones and related products had created severe socio-economic impacts in shape of increase in the cost of production, unemployment, decrease in foreign exchange inputs, and low income. The communities depending on this segment to earn a sustainable livelihood are in chaos. This must be noticed to make the sector more productive. –INP