Social media needs tactful handling

Caretaker Federal Minister for Information, Broadcasting and Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Solangi said that some elements were using social media platforms to incite violence, spread discomfort, and hatred among the masses which was an illegal activity. According to him, freedom of expression under Article 19 of the Constitution was not unlimited, rather it was subject to the law of the land. The derogatory remarks against the judiciary, armed forces, and brotherly countries were not allowed under relevant clauses of Article 19 of the constitution. He noted that social media platforms X ( formerly Twitter), YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram had been continuously used for propaganda, lies, defamation, and harassment of government officials, wherein, the companies owning these platforms would have to control this illegal activity. According to the Minister, the state of Pakistan will not in any way allow these platforms to spread baseless, false, and fabricated propaganda in the country.
A fabricated and malicious propaganda related to the army deployment on election and security duties, accusation of rigging, and character assassination of the top government officials including the Chief Election Commissioner, the Chief Justice, senior judges, and generals was underway since the election day on February 8th.
According to the reports, some malefactor political elements are misguiding their supporters for political gains, while referring to the security troops deployed for election duty, delay in election results, and the recently staged presser of retired Commissioner Rawalpindi Division who admitted his guilt/complicity and sought an apology from the government and the masses for his falsehood and treason with the nation.
arious anonymous and fake social media accounts were used to spread lies and disinformation and disseminate nefarious propaganda to create chaos, agitation, and instability in the aftermath of peaceful and smooth elections. Presently, the Pakistani nation has transitioned from pre-poll unrest and chaos to post-election accusations and rivalry, while the months-long electoral exercise ended up with no success in achieving Political stability which might lead to economic revival and social cohesion in a highly polarized society.
Various social media platforms including X, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram were blocked by the authorities due to the massive upsurge in anti-state propaganda in recent days. The nationwide internet closure attracted global criticism, and various foreign governments and advocacy groups called on the government to protect freedom of speech and civil liberties in its country.
The Sindh High Court also ordered the government to restore internet service and unblock social media on an urgent basis. In the latest move, the caretaker Information Minister lashed out at the social media companies for not stopping anti-State activities on their platforms, which is somehow not a thoughtful and sane idea.
Realistically, such a sensitive task can only be accomplished through liaison, teamwork, and cooperation with the multinational internet services providers instead of shut down of services, clashes, and coercion that is not only counterproductive but futile.

In the present era, social media has been shaped into an effective weapon that is being used to spread disinformation, subvert minds, and incite chaos and anarchy in the target countries to fuel mutiny or disobedience in the masses. The government and security apparatuses are well aware of hidden risks attached to malicious online campaigns yet the risk mitigation and modus Operandi seem to be void of necessary prudence, effectiveness,, and legitimacy. The use of constitutional provisions by the state has always been considered as restrictions on the fundamental rights of individuals instead of protection of those same provisions of the citizens. Therefore, the government must coordinate with service providers while the state institutions must act on victims’ complaints to avoid criticism and backlash at the global level. Hence, efforts must be made to kill the snake without losing the stick otherwise hunting rabbits with a tank is no statesmanship and gallantry.