Sub standard leaders, low-caliber legislations

A resolution moved by PPP’s Senator Bahramand Tangi, seeking a ban on mainstream social media platforms has been placed on the Senate agenda for the session scheduled today afternoon. The lawmaker stated that social media platforms are adversely affecting the young generation in the country; Acknowledging the fact that these platforms are being used for the promotion of norms against our religion and culture, creating hatred amongst the people on the grounds of language and religion. In the resolution, the senator called for bans on social sites, including Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X formerly Twitter, and YouTube, underscoring the potential misuse against the national interest and saving the young generation from their negative and devastating effects.
Pakistan’s social media has been in the global headlines over the past weeks because of the unannounced shutdown by the authorities and poor internet services in the country. Government leaders have time and again expressed concerns over the growing misuse of social media by political groups and miscreants to accomplish their nefarious anti-state and anti-society agendas. Meanwhile, there are certain social media platforms or users who spoil the social environment and have a negative impact on children and youth in the country, yet those mediums have multiple uses including communication, networking, public diplomacy, marketing, branding, education, and entertainment for individuals, groups, organizations and government institutions as well. Although, Pakistani society has grappled with the worst effects of social media in the post-May 9 violence and aftermath wherein various social media wings of certain political parties weighed online propaganda against their opponents, state institutions, and the government ruling the country. Given that, the authorities often use the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) rules and regulations together with multiple constitutional provisions to control and regulate social media as per the government’s needs.
Driven by individual interests and parties’ needs, Pakistan’s political landscapes have always been highly controversial and sly throughout the past decades. Power politics not only gave birth to corrupt practices such as horse-trading, and change of political loyalty along with the use of illegal means including bribes, tempering, rigging, and harassment of election staff in the electoral process. Historically, the Senate members are chosen through an indirect method, wherein members of the Lower House/ National Assemblies and all four provincial assemblies elect senators purely on the party line, who might be a party worker or a third person nominated by the civic group purely on its choice, with no specific criteria. Hence, through the indirect method several billionaires, businessmen, feuds, and industrialists reach the upper house in pursuit of their communal or business interests or mere fame. In recent months, several non-aligned senators and independent members from the upper house of the parliament have put forth highly contentious and unconstitutional bills on the house floor. That portrays a narrow mindset aimed at protecting communal and cartel interests at the behest of certain ethnic, political, or religious pressure groups, etc. That not only contradicts our social values, religious thoughts, and country’s constitution but also undermines the long-term interests of the country. Henceforth, such events not only highlight the hollowness of our parliamentary system but also decry the intellectual depletion of our legislators and lawmakers. we are living in the 21st century where our world has been transformed into a global village. The recent shutdown of the internet and social media platforms has caused significant financial, and reputational losses to the nation whilst blocking social media permanently is a highly imprudent and silly idea that would have devastating effects on the country. However, the world will witness the wisdom of Pakistani technocrats before sunset of this day.