CTO directs to ensure implementation on traffic laws

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The Chief Traffic Officer Islamabad has directed the personnel of the force to ensure smooth flow of traffic and implementation of traffic rules in the Capital.
In compliance with the directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr Akbar Nasir Khan, the CTO Islamabad conducted a special meeting with Zonal DSP’s, in-charges and Muharrars. During the meeting, the measures taken for traffic management were reviewed.

He directed the officials to improve traffic plans and ensure an exemplary traffic system in the city. He asked officials to devise an effective traffic plan and incorporate all recommendations of police officials in it so that smooth traffic flow could be ensured in the city.
He stressed upon the personnel of the force to accomplish their responsibilities in a professional manner and work hard for maintenance of a better image of the force.